Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday, 2011

What a day, didn't watch the big game, don't even know who is playing.  I am getting ready to take the dogs for their last run of the day, and then go to work.  I made donuts earlier today, but they didn't turn out so well.  I tried a new receipt out of my Fanny Farmer's cookbook.  I don't know why I keep trying them, there are very few out of that book that I like, and I have had it for years.

Went down to the farm earlier, and had a looksee at what I need to do to start getting the garden in.  The little hoop greenhouse needs new plastic on both ends and on the door.  I think I am going to plant snowpod peas across the ditch from the grapes so I can get them in.  that is the only place that is drained well enough to be able to get into to plant.

I just previewed this post and have decided that I don't like the template that I chose, so I will need to change it later.  Off to take the dogs for their run.

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