Friday, February 18, 2011

The Cat Story

Last week I get a phone call from one of my neighbors.  She is going to be gone for about a week, maybe two and she asked if I would be willing to come over and feed her animals and keep and eye on the place.  I say sure and a few days later go over to meet her two cats and get a chore list.

She has two cats, one a dark gray tiger and the other a soft gray.  The neighbor tells me that even though the cats are mostly house cats that it is alright if they go outside during the day and that if the tiger wants to stay out it is ok.

So the day comes when I am to start doing the chores, which starts with an afternoon feeding, since the neighbor was there for the morning.  So like a good neighbor, I go over to do the chores, and let myself into the house to feed the cats  The tiger takes one look at me and say "you are not my mom" and makes a break for the door. The gray runs through the house sure that I am going to do massive harm and hides out, I don't see her the rest of the time I am doing chores.  I leave them both food, the gray inside and the tiger outside.

The next morning I go over and try it again.  The tiger is sitting on a crate and runs as I pull into the driveway and when I open the front door, even though I am ready for it, the gray makes an escape.  I go ahead and do the rest of the chores and feed the tiger at the back door and the gray at the front door.  When I go back that evening, I pick up the food so that coons won't come on to the porch and go about doing the rest of the chores and trying to get the cats to go back into the house.  No such luck.

This goes on for about two days and then the morning of the third day, the gray cat is on the front porch and wants in the house, so I let it in and feed it and go about doing the rest of the chores and feeding the tiger by the back door as usual.

The next day the gray cat wants outside, so I say alright, your mom said it was ok, and you came back this time so here go ahead, go outside.  So of course, when I go back that night, the cat won't come back into the house, so we go through the same thing all over again, feeding her on the front porch and the tiger on the back porch.  This goes on until the last day that I am to feed.

The neighbor is due to come home late Monday morning, so Sunday night, I am over feeding and my daughter, who had gone over with me and is helping do chores, points over my shoulder and asks if that is the gray cat.  I turn around and the gray cat is walking across the yard, so I call it by name and it comes over to us and wants petted and when we walk back to the house it goes with us and is ready to go in. 

We go into the house and feed it and then the tiger on the porch, finish the chores and go home.  The next morning, Monday morning, I go back over and do the morning chores and feed the cats, the gray cat staying in the house.  When I get done, I leave and head for work.

Later on, while I am at work, the neighbor calls my husband and asks, "what gray cat is this?" and my husband says, "It is your gray cat."  and the neighbor says, "This isn't my cat my cat is just a little thing."

Can you believe it!  Two different gray cats, and of course, I get the wrong one.

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